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writing when I should be sleeping
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Its been a long time since my last blog... again. And I figured it might be less in the future since I have to keep a journal by hand for one of my courses. So what has transpired during the time since my last update? Well, first of all, I finished the eventful term and rushed back to Singapore to enjoy my break. But once there, it seems I was buzzing here and there, crossing the borders three times in the span of two weeks. Although there was a prior schedule, I barely completed half of them. So much to the best laid plans. Oh well, it was fun nevertheless, seeing the people I wanted so badly to see and attending my sister's wedding. Back here in Aussie, the damn weather is driving me into a low mood and extending periods of hibernation. You miss stuff more when you have it and its taken away again. Hope my homesickness fade away soon... So far the courses I am taking seems pretty interesting although I will have a backbreaking workload after loading in 6 modules. But it seems a small price to pay for being able to utilize my time more efficiently in the last semester with 3 modules. Get in my last dose of student's life, partying and job hunting will help fill in the time nicely. Well, enough writing for now and back to work, work, work.