
writing when I should be sleeping

Friday, October 22, 2004

My sense of responsibility will kill me someday. Went to work yesterday despite a blistering 38.7 degrees fever. I didn't know til I finished overtime and stuck a thermometer in my mouth. My brain could have fried!!!!! Oh well, its probably kinda medium rare already with me putting it in overdrive with all the work. My assistant expected me to take MC today but I still dragged my ass to work despite popping two panadols and temperature still registering at 37.5. If it was during the Sars period, they prob throw me into TTSH and later into prison for this. However, I had a clinical supervision today which I do not want to miss. And tomorrow I have so many clients..... argh.

My SMS project is up and running after hitting a few glitches. Birthday celebrations was tiring but fun. 2 days chalet and a series od suprises from gfrd. :)

The forum I am participating in is coming up in less than a month. Woohooo!!!!

And I am asked to helped in writing part of a paper and assisting in another agency. Assisting I can do but help write a 40pg paper in less than a mth on top of all my work?!!! I am committed, not crazy.

All things are going well except my fat and sick body. (give me legitimate reason not to exercise) and stuffing myself with bbq food and bear for two days, food at hot stones, champagne and plenty of cake ain doing good for my waistline. Liposuction suddenly seem so attractive......:

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Haven been posting for quite some time. Been busy with two projects at work and the major one outside. This week is going to be a rush of meetings, presentations and more work. Two presentations coming up on Thurs, wish me luck. It feels good that the project I am heading is up and working fine and ready for trial. However the red tape for approval of the trial os driving me crazy. I still cannot stand the red tape of working in a large organization.

Have started linking up with a few mates who will be going to MBS like Phua and Arvid. But my current heavy schedule is preventing me from socialising. Hope to meet up with some of them for kopi really soon.

Work on my new house has kinda started, likewise the preparation for my birthday party during this weekend. The sad thing:me, the birthday boy has a meeting that day on the other side of the island ending at 7p.m. Arghhhhhhhh.

Friends have been asking me about my decision of going for MBA. The answer is that I will definitely go, just do not know whether it is this year or should I defer it for a year. Although I have made all the preparations to leave (e.g. finished my visa application), I am still keeping my options open. I may still win a 10 million TOTO draw and decides I am better off as a wastrel. The shows ain over til the fat lady sings, or in this case i lug my ass on the plane. Nuff Said.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

I am still in the conflicted mode although my decision is more or less settled. So many things in the coming months but so little time. I asked a friend, how would you feel if you are me? he say "fantastically happy with all that good stuff going on for you....." And I asked "How would you feel making the choice to give up the other good stuff for only one, since you can only choose one. He replied "Shitty." Thats the way I have been feeling ppl. Too much of a good thing ain so good after all.

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