
writing when I should be sleeping

Monday, August 18, 2008

Over a year since my last posts and things has changed quite a fair bit. For one, I have taken a new role in the beginning of the year. Was offered various opportunities but circumstances has lead me to my current role. It was a fair bit of shift from previously in terms of scope and it has been challenging. It has been satisfying but in terms on rewards, it is still very much kiv.

Having left Singapore for nearly 4 years, I am starting to lose bits of my Singaporean identitiy. Doubts has crept in at times on the sacrifices for career progression after seeing friends leave one by one especially with the sinking USD. The claustophobic living conditions is starting to get to me although I am told most HKgers has it worse.

The big 30 creeping up is of no help and I keep thinking of goals reached and unreached. My search of meritocracy has met with mixed successes and I am blabbering with an overactive mind in the middle of the night.

I have earned another degree by completing 10 modules within 1 year, only 6 mths if you count the distant between the papers. I am going another 4 diplomas by taking 5 more and I find studying evading me.

I am starting to love work too much and losing my focus on personal life. Do I want to be a ceo or do I want to be retired. Apparently quarter life crisis does not come easy.

The only thing that is holding me back is that I love my work, I love creating strategies and seeing them have impact. But is that enough or am I asking for too much too fast. Apparently mileage is still important to a lot of people, not only dad. I hate it when some is not bound by the same rules as the group, that merit and hardwork alone is not enough.

Enough rantings for now. time to get to bed.

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