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writing when I should be sleeping
Monday, November 01, 2004
Just recovered from a major bout of flu. A hard one week battle but my immune system managed to pulverised the bloody virus. Work is starting to get cleared but I still do not have time to start shopping for my stuff and also preparation for MElbourne. Yes, I am going to Melbourne. Yes I am giving up a bloody pro-rated rumoured 2.5 mths bonus because I am leaving one mth short. Yes I am am leaving my girlfrd and family. And yes, you ppl who are threatened by my presence can heave a sigh of relieve. You people can take credit for my work, take the crummy bonus (*sob*) while I move on to bigger things.
I am just going for what I believe in and following my mantra of "Hoping for the Best but prepared for the worst". Watch out Melbourne, I am coming to town. YeeeeeeeHAAAAAA.
Psyching myself to start preparation and get back into shape. Okay I am in shape, round is a shape too. But thats not the shape I was and want. Begone flu and I am going to start my summoning rituals for my muscles by sacrificing some fresh meat and resting time. Out comes my sacrificial dumbell to clobber my limp body into submission.
Thank you all future MBS and current MBS people for visiting. Do leave me a comment. :)
I am just going for what I believe in and following my mantra of "Hoping for the Best but prepared for the worst". Watch out Melbourne, I am coming to town. YeeeeeeeHAAAAAA.
Psyching myself to start preparation and get back into shape. Okay I am in shape, round is a shape too. But thats not the shape I was and want. Begone flu and I am going to start my summoning rituals for my muscles by sacrificing some fresh meat and resting time. Out comes my sacrificial dumbell to clobber my limp body into submission.
Thank you all future MBS and current MBS people for visiting. Do leave me a comment. :)
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