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writing when I should be sleeping
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Just shifted to my permanent room today. Kinda sad coz my temp room got a washing machine left behind by the previous tenant, now i gotto do all washing in the common room. Shucks. And my room is facing the sun, which means i get PLENTY of sunlight= microwave. And the aircon emits a foul musky smell. But on the flip side, I have a better sofa which no longer makes my ass feel if it was on quicksand. Yes, my previous sofa was that bad. And I have a spectacular view though with all the noise and buzz of the city. MEt some of the MBA class mates for a bite of pizza and a couple of beers today. Life is getting better. Hope this is the first of many beers and gatherings. :) Been able to do some work although not much. My apartment looks like a warzone now. Heck shifting all my unpacked stuff from one apartment to another took me more than 5 trips. Everyone I met seems very nice, and I hope things stay that way. I do hope the competition in class will be good natured friendly competition. A logical assumption of MBA ppl will be a lot of Alpha types and when too many Alpha are in the building, conflicts will occur. This is the time I hope my counselling, negotiation and arbitration skills can be put into good use. Unless I morph into my Mr. Hyde personality. :p Melbourne's weather is freaky, hot in the day and cold at night. And I forgot to bring my pda synchro disk which is shitty. Again I am bubbling incoherently becoz of the sleep deprivation. But all in all, the rush to get settled down is nearing end. Its time to start warming the laptop and sharpening the pencils. "A tiny step by me, a huge leap into the future" - I hope ~ Denny.
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