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writing when I should be sleeping
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Last day of class of the term. but guddamit, 2 days to exams. This 4 mths has truly been a great and enriching experience. MY gray matter feel challenged, although abit overly challenged with exams looming.
I have decided that when I speak with non-MBA people from now on, I should display the full value of my education by talking about decision tree, BATNA, regression, cost account and Porter's five forces. And when they give me the WTF you are talking about look, I should attempt to give them the snobbish: "Oh, don't you know look?" and proceed on to talk about rollbacks, zero coupon bonds, making them so frustrated until they believe my MBA education has made me smart. Although on the other hand, they could perveive me as a stoopid ediot who likes to throw around technical jargons to look smart. I should thoroughly insult their intelligence if they do not have an MBA for MBA are the smartest people and if they do not have an MBA from a higher ranked school then mine. And if they come from a higher ranked school like Harvard, I should proceed to diss the rankings system by saying that it was made by imperialistic americans who always ranked themselves first. Thus, everyone is stoopider than the students from Melbourne Business School. And if employers does not employ people from my class, I should proceed to predict that they will suffer the fate of Enron or Worldcom one day because they lack ethical and brilliant leaders. And if they do employ us, I should proceed to diss them for staying at their position as our bosses. They should know better to give up their positions once they hire us.
Okay, enough rantings. will rant more after the exams.
I have decided that when I speak with non-MBA people from now on, I should display the full value of my education by talking about decision tree, BATNA, regression, cost account and Porter's five forces. And when they give me the WTF you are talking about look, I should attempt to give them the snobbish: "Oh, don't you know look?" and proceed on to talk about rollbacks, zero coupon bonds, making them so frustrated until they believe my MBA education has made me smart. Although on the other hand, they could perveive me as a stoopid ediot who likes to throw around technical jargons to look smart. I should thoroughly insult their intelligence if they do not have an MBA for MBA are the smartest people and if they do not have an MBA from a higher ranked school then mine. And if they come from a higher ranked school like Harvard, I should proceed to diss the rankings system by saying that it was made by imperialistic americans who always ranked themselves first. Thus, everyone is stoopider than the students from Melbourne Business School. And if employers does not employ people from my class, I should proceed to predict that they will suffer the fate of Enron or Worldcom one day because they lack ethical and brilliant leaders. And if they do employ us, I should proceed to diss them for staying at their position as our bosses. They should know better to give up their positions once they hire us.
Okay, enough rantings. will rant more after the exams.
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