
writing when I should be sleeping

Monday, May 23, 2005

First day of school of the 2nd term. The weather is colder and the mood more...... sombre seem tobe an appropriate word. Maybe it is me seeing the world off the adrenaline and rosey specs of starting a new phase of life, maybe it is the realisation that its work and more work. Its not mundane but it is going to be a challenge. Number one question on the mind is the makeup of all my syndicates.

This semester is going to be a short but wild ride. The upcoming SRC elections which I figured I most probably wont win and the BCG case competition are going to be highlights among the vague possibility of involving in more of the debating clubs activities.

Sometimes my thought flutter around home, my ex job- familiarity and security. All given up temporarily/permanently for an MBA, in the hopes of striking the jackpot in life.

Refocus, I need to refocus. Its going to be difficult as hell but I do hope the end result is worth it, and that an MBA does not mean Me Being Anal. :o
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