
writing when I should be sleeping

Friday, June 09, 2006

A Happy Ending to my MBA....

So the last term of my MBA was a hectic rush of fun, pressure and fond memories. Going on job interviews and trips, took around 1 flight every week in the last 16 weeks that taking planes and waiting at airport has became usual. The last term and my stint in Graduate House where I stayed allowed me to strengthen many friendships and forged new ones.

Job search was filled with ups and downs. Got turned down for a job I was keenly pursuing and ended getting turned down but the company came back with two other offers which I was initially very excited about in Corporate Strategy. Then when I came back for the meeting, the vibe just did not suit me.

Next job was another one which I was keen about but I did not graduate in time as they needed someone immediately.

Somehow, luck was on my side and I receive a JD and request for application for a job from MBS career services. I applied crack a case study, video flimed it, went to Hong Kong for a interview that lasted from 8am -9 pm. And I got it. It was truly what I desired, the region, the job description, everything.

The MBA has been a journey of self discovery. Hard work- definitely. Friends, Fun and NEtworking galore if you are inclined. It stretches your limits and open your eyes to new things, new experiences. No one I knew in my class ever regretted the experience and neither do I.

The happy ending and a fruitful job search has capped off one of the most wonderful periods and experience in my life. And for my few readers, I hope you too find what you are looking for.

I still may update the blog from time to time, just to for my own referrence, but you are welcome to check back. :)

Next Stop for work: Hong Kong!!
Hey Denny, wanted to catch up with you before you left MBS, but I guess a busy time for all! Congratulations on scoring in hong kong! Me & Tina will be in Hong Kong for a couple of days around september or october, so we should meet up then! Send me an email...

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